Oh my gosh I haven't blogged in SO long!
I took a two week break from all things media and technology, and then I went on Spring break and was far too lazy to blog. But joy of joys I accomplished so many of goals over spring break! I'll post a few now, and a few later...I made sure to take pics of almost every accomplishment [=
To start Spring Break off right, my mom, sister, and I tried to go to Santa Monica. Mom got lost, no one would listen to me, the girl who actually lives in L.A., and thus we accidentally wound up in L.A. and accidentaly achieved goal #101
We had fun adventuring, but honestly it's quite dirty and gross.
I hated the constant smell of "cracked-out hippie" and all the near-hobo's who were waisting away their lives. But it was fun to experience it...now I feel like a true L.A. girl haha.
Next to-done was #46
I made it with egg whites, zucchini, mushroom, cheese, spinach, chilli powder, ground pepper, and garlic powder. It was yummy, but next time I'll make a crust to go with it.
I also made a berry pie from scratch to go with it, all though that's not on my list.
Well, that's all for now. I'll post more of it soon [=
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Charissa: Accomplishment MACHINE
Friday, March 26, 2010
Ashley: SNOW!
We did end up going back up there last weekend, but I forgot to take pictures of our snow play then too. I never did get around to the snowman. However we are going back up there for Easter and there should still be snow on the ground so I will make sure to get my snowman done and photograph it!
So silly as it may seem, I am really excited for this accomplishment!
Sarah: Deaf Day at Disneyland!!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010
Charissa: detox-ish
I am currently on a mental, health, and spiritual detox of sorts. Giving up a few things. Not a big deal. But it's pretty hard. And I have felt like death warmed over for two days...I believe I had/have food poisoning. Yikes.
I was looking over my 101 list and I actually have a few more things in progress than I realized.
I'd like to cross some off over Spring Break. Maybe I'll take my parents out to a nice dinner or go for a picnic. And I'll try learning how to do a cartwheel? Yea...maybe that.
I'm totally failing in the exercise category but it's 'cause I have bad injury to my hamstring and have to do physical therapy so I'm allowed. But I think that's part of what is making me feel so yucky.
This post was weird. Sorry.