Monday, December 13, 2010
Sarah: Write a Play
During this semester, I wrote three plays, which was one of my goals, more than completing that. So, I can check it off of my list!! Yay!!
I also had that book read at a play reading, and it was great!! Everyone laughed where they were supposed to laugh and it was a great night!! We all had a great time performing in each other's plays and listening to the culmination of a great semester. Afterward, we had cookies and sat around and talked. I loved it!!
So, good challenge to myself and I had a great time completing it!!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Jessica: midnight showing of Alice in Wonderland!
i know it's been a while since i've updated, and it's been a while since Alice in Wonderland premiered. it was so fun! my first midnight premier of any movie, ever. it was full of laughs, fro-yo, young girls dressed up in either slutty Alice/Mad Hatter outfits or pajamas, and searching for Ashley because we thought she died and/or got lost.
technically i had In-n-Out once during this time, but i don't qualify them as "fast food". anyways, i had Del Taco one time once the "three months" was over, and it was yuck! i remember how much i didn't enjoy fast even though it is not on my 101 list, i will probably keep away from fast food unless it is the last thing on earth to keep me alive. or second-to-last, because i despise spam.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Sarah: Silent Weekend, A post that took forever to get out
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Charissa: More Accomplishments
Seriously guys, I am on a to-do list roll. I've been accomplishing so much. Soon I will be at a dead-end b/c all the expensive things will be left undone.
Another thing I did over break, which I believe was also on Brianna Barrett's list was
*drum roll*
We went to the Falconers Inn bar downtown and sang kareoke for like, three hours.
I started out wiht "Bohemian Rhapsody" with Bri and Ash, then sang "I Got You Babe" with Bri, solo'd "Cabaret", and ended the evening with a little "Say You Love Me" with Ashley.
It was great fun, and we ended up getting our food and drinks for free, so it was free great fun, which of course is the best fun of all!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Charissa: Accomplishment MACHINE
Oh my gosh I haven't blogged in SO long!
I took a two week break from all things media and technology, and then I went on Spring break and was far too lazy to blog. But joy of joys I accomplished so many of goals over spring break! I'll post a few now, and a few later...I made sure to take pics of almost every accomplishment [=
To start Spring Break off right, my mom, sister, and I tried to go to Santa Monica. Mom got lost, no one would listen to me, the girl who actually lives in L.A., and thus we accidentally wound up in L.A. and accidentaly achieved goal #101
We had fun adventuring, but honestly it's quite dirty and gross.
I hated the constant smell of "cracked-out hippie" and all the near-hobo's who were waisting away their lives. But it was fun to experience I feel like a true L.A. girl haha.
Next to-done was #46
I made it with egg whites, zucchini, mushroom, cheese, spinach, chilli powder, ground pepper, and garlic powder. It was yummy, but next time I'll make a crust to go with it.
I also made a berry pie from scratch to go with it, all though that's not on my list.
Well, that's all for now. I'll post more of it soon [=
Friday, March 26, 2010
Ashley: SNOW!
We did end up going back up there last weekend, but I forgot to take pictures of our snow play then too. I never did get around to the snowman. However we are going back up there for Easter and there should still be snow on the ground so I will make sure to get my snowman done and photograph it!
So silly as it may seem, I am really excited for this accomplishment!
Sarah: Deaf Day at Disneyland!!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010
Charissa: detox-ish
I am currently on a mental, health, and spiritual detox of sorts. Giving up a few things. Not a big deal. But it's pretty hard. And I have felt like death warmed over for two days...I believe I had/have food poisoning. Yikes.
I was looking over my 101 list and I actually have a few more things in progress than I realized.
I'd like to cross some off over Spring Break. Maybe I'll take my parents out to a nice dinner or go for a picnic. And I'll try learning how to do a cartwheel? Yea...maybe that.
I'm totally failing in the exercise category but it's 'cause I have bad injury to my hamstring and have to do physical therapy so I'm allowed. But I think that's part of what is making me feel so yucky.
This post was weird. Sorry.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
joel mchale!

a fun, memorable night, and life-changing for my own personal reasons. hopefully it is all for the best, and i can't wait to see how everything fits into God's always perfect life for me.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Jessica: New Month, New Updates...
i haven't accomplished anything new yet, but there are some possible things to come...
i haven't drank any soda since January 1, just like i've been planning.
i really think i could go the entire 1001 days, even though its hard to just not give in.
i'm loving tea and orange juice though...
i may be visiting a lot of new cities this year, which include Fargo, ND...Minneapolis, MN...Portland, OR...and after that, who knows?
i'm not reading out of my daily Psalms devotional, but i am reading from my Bible, just whatever speaks to me. i admit i haven't been doing this every day, if anything i've just been starting this in the past week, but i'm loving it so far and everything i'm reading is inspiring.
i'm praying a lot more, if anything just for peace and strength to accompany hour by hour.
that's about it so far...
Monday, February 1, 2010
Charissa: Happy February
Well, yesterday was January 31st and I thusly squeezed in my one church day for the month! I really want to go more, but this quarter is killing me. I have class 6 hours a day Monday-Friday, and Rehearsal 3-5 hours a day/night Sunday-Friday. My only day off is Saturday and I use it to attempt sleep and homework.
I'm proud of myself for sticking to my fitness goals, eating goals [I've slipped up a few times with dessert but everyone's gotta live sometime, am I right?], being happier, and getting into a mianstage musical.
I have not been good with purposefully praying every morning. I talk to God here and there all day long but I think I need to very purposefully devote at least ten minutes of everyday to him, whether that be through memorizing verses, journaling a prayer to him, verbally praying, or reading my Bible. God is the biggest part of me, Christ is my biggest blessing, and the Trinity is my driving force so I must indulge in this relationship. On that note I don't like the church I've been forcing myself to attend, so hopefully I'll be able to find something better within a mile so I can walk.
On the agenda for February: BIRTHDAY! Woohoo! Also, Sweet Charity opens in less than four weeks! OMG!!!!!! Plus mid-terms this week, many papers, many projects, etc.
Here's to a busy life full of joy, passion, and a nice cherry of stress on top.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Jessica: Deaf Coffee Night
tonight was the first (of hopefully many!) Deaf coffee night at Jazz-n-Java! it was so fun!
at first i was really nervous and worried that people wouldn't show up because of the rain...but overall, we had about 10 people show up! some of my old friends, my old ASL professor and her friends, an old classmate, and a couple (that came all the way from an entirely DIFFERENT college! word spreads fast!) all came :)
we stole chairs and sat in a group and had 95% of our conversations in ASL. it was so fun! the level was from beginner to advanced, but everyone was so good at slowing down for others and explaining signs if they were forgotten.
we even had a fun moment because one man, David, forgot the sign for "thank you" and asked "oh, is it this?" and did the sign for...basically, "eff off", and i laughed and said "nooo!" so i explained what just happened to my old ASL professor and my new interpreting friends, and they laughed. then they decided to share their funny stories of messing up certain signs and getting confused.
overall, fun night! everything that i wanted was accomplished: meeting new people, practicing ASL, and having fun!
Charissa: fitness
Check out my newest post on my other blog Live A Little to see how I'm doing with my health and fitness goals!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Charissa: better choices
So...I figured out a better way to monitor my eating. I've been writing down everything I eat each day for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, and then what type of exercise I do that day. Every day I want at least one thing to write down for exercise, even if it's just lifting my arm weights for five minutes. A little exercise is better than nothing.
This writing down everything I eat [and recording the portions if they are abnormally small or large] is working well for me so far. It allows me to really look at the choices I'm making, and really evaluate if I'm being healthy or not. The past two days I've done really well. I also put a tiny strike through something if I know I only ate it because I was bored, or if I was no longer hungry but ate it anyways. This is working well because it's making me really acknowledge if I'm eating when I'm hungry, if I'm eating just to eat or because my friends are eating, as well as protecting me from reverting into starving myself or being to hard on myself.
So far I've been eating really healthy stuff, but I'm realize I just eat super huge portions. I'm not sure whether I actually need those large portions, or if it's just a habit, but it's good for me to see how I'm eating. Yay for health.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Bri-Detox and Embroidery
Also, I went to a quilt show this weekend and got some adorable embroidery patterns and supplies so I can begin my goal of learning to embroider!
More later!
Charissa: I'm not doing so well
With losing the cake weight.
I had apple pie on Thursday, non-fat yogurt with banana yesterday, and today I had:
Breakfast: A big bowl of smart start + banana
Lunch: A salad with Turkey meat, 4 slices of Honeydew, and a HUGE bowl of oatmeal with strawberries, bananas, and peaches.
Dinner:A big bowl of minestrone, an orange, and a bowl of smart start/special k
Snacks: an apple and a banana
I guess when I spell it out like that it doesn't seem like so much but I feel like the quantity of food I'm eating is the problem. I don't stop when I'm full. Tonight I was full after the minestrone, but I wanted the crunch of cereal so I had an entire bowl anyways. I need to learn to stop when I'm done. And the desserts need to just plain disappear except for special occasions.
I'm not getting any more toned or any slimmer or any of those things. And this gut that refuses to escape me is about enough to drive me insane. It's not about losing weight. It's about being happy with whatever place my body is at and right now I simply am not. But I'm not happy with what I was either. I think it's going to take a long while to figure this out.
Being healthy is probably the hardest thing I've ever done in my life.
Especially when I am literally surrounded by people with horrible eating habits.
At least I just exercised by way of jumping jacks/jump rope/salsa/pilates for an hour.
How are you guys doing with the diets? Losing weight yet? Any helpful hints?
Monday, January 11, 2010
Ashley: Check Mark?
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Sarah: Working on my Calligraphy Goal Today

Friday, January 8, 2010
Charissa: ONE GOAL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am "Rosie", one of the lovely dancers at the Kit Kat Klub in Cabaret.
This is like, a REALLY big deal for a sophomore to get into the musical.
and for me to make it to the final callbacks for the lead "Sally Bowles"...BIG DEAL.
And wanna know just how talented our sophomore class is? Yep...8 of us made it in. I shall say it once, our teachers have said it a bunch, and thus I shall say it again: my Musical Theatre class of 2012 is of a very special breed. I am one proud lady, not to mention SO excited to share this adventure with some of my sophomore family.
Upside: the choreographer is part of the original cast from the Broadway revival.
Downside: He wants us to get as nitty gritty as the revival was. That not only means original choreography, but it means...wait for it...hold your breath...they are making the Kit Kat girls grow out our arm pit hair. Joanna and I have laughed so hard about this travesty. It's the only thing to keep us from crying! Not to mention it'll be in spring, so we can't go to the beach, or where sundresses...nothing! Ack!
I'm just incredibly blessed to already have this goal done. Thanks to God.
Jessica: First task completed!
Time to strike that sucker out!#45. Invest in an external hardrive to hold all my music and photos
Today I was asking my dad about different external hard drives (actually, portable storage unit) that he thought were reliable and high quality. Well, he gave me a few brand names, then told me that Costco was actually having a sale.
So what did we do? We drove to Costco and he snuck me in so I can buy a Seagate Expansion Portable Drive. It's actually pretty cute, and so tiny and light!
This probably isn't interesting or as cool to some of you as it is to me, but I'm a nerd for electronics. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Bri: Ch-ch-changes...
I am Bri!

My Day Zero goals are a combination of serious achievements I am working towards and funny little things I’ve just always wanted to do. You can find my list here! A lot of my goals consist of simplifying my life because I feel like I am overwhelmed with crap alot of the time. So I am losing weight, getting in shape, and cleaning out the complications! Hence some of the things I am working on:
Do a detox every six months (0/6)
I am starting this next week. I am very excited! I have detoxed in the past and loved it so I’m really committed to the goal of making this a habit. While I’m not a crazy health nut, I do think that our bodies need a break from all the crap we put in them. So I am doing a raw foods detox for 7-10 days. Detoxing is a really individual thing so that is why I am not set on a specific number of days. I will definitely do at least 7 but will try for 10 days!
These are the guidelines to follow:
* Cut out caffeine, processed foods, complex sugars, smoking, and alcohol
* Do not eat poultry, eggs, or beef
* Do eat lots of raw vegetables and fruits
* Only eat whole grains
* Drink plenty of water and caffeine free teas
* Get lots of fresh air
Here are two good drinks while doing the raw food detox.
The detox is one contributing goal toward another goal of mine: Lose 60 pounds (plus!). I am working on a few other goals that also aid in my weight loss like:
* Start an exercise routine (Bollywood dancing my butt off!)
* Abstaining from soda for the entire 1001 days except in mixed drinks (not so difficult,
* Not eating any fast food for the whole 1001 days (not to hard, but inconvenient sometimes.
I’ve made a lot healthier choices though!)
* Making dinner at home 3 times a week (Saving money and eating way healthier!)
I have been really good at these goals so far! It is definitely going to take determination to keep these up but I can do it!
Other goals in progress:
Blog at least 3 times a month-I am doing this! Yay!
Knit a pair of socks-my grandmother-in-law just taught me how and I have the ankle of one sock done! So much more to go....
Finish my Bachelor's Degree with Dean's Honors-ALMOST DONE!!! June you can not come soon enough!
Compliment Michael everyday-just a little something I forget to do sometimes even if I mean to. I always have genuine compliments for my wonderful husband, I just get sidetracked and forget to say them out loud. Having this as a goal reminds me to share an encouraging compliment a day with my Meekle!
So far I haven't started many goals as alot of them will have to be done after I get my degree in June but I've taken my first steps toward the fantastical changes these goals will bring! Yippeee!!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Jessica: Deaf Coffee Night!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Charissa: update
I've got a callback for Sally Bowles and Fraulein Kaust!
I'm one of only three sophomore girls called back for anything.
Pray pray pray, fierce fierce fierce, sing sing sing, and hopefully celebrate on Friday!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Charissa: 4 days down.
So I'm currently working on a few of the goals, and it's not so easy.
The whole not drinking soda thing is a wee bit hard. I reeeeally wanted a diet mountain dew today. Easy fix?
Fill a glass 3/4 the way with Carbonated water, and the other 1/4 with either juice or a zero calorie sobe beverage. It's tres delicious, and totally gives me that carbonated kick w/o the icky Sucralose and acid.
Another difficulty: Eating healthy/losing the holiday weight/cardio 3x a week
I knew the cardio thing wouldn't happen 1st week of school b/c i have to buy textbooks and sign peititions for more units and all that jazz, but i did work out once already and have mapped out into my class schedule 1/2 hour twice during the actual week to work out, and then i'll go running one morning every weekend. But i can't let that hurt my grades. The whole eating healthy thing has been fairly easy. I feel like I'm eating more b/c my body is asking for more, but I feel better already. Also, I'm pooping a lot. Now you know. And drinking like, 4 bottles of water a day. So that means I am also peeing a lot.
I've been good about praying/reading my bible/listening to worship music as well and i feel better in that area as well. He more present in my moment to moment thoughts.
Lastly, I have now had my singing AND dancing auditions for Cabaret, and tomorrow at some point I will know whether or not I get a callback. The singing audition went well. I maybe could have done better but it was good. The dance audition was good to. I owned what he asked us to project character wise and I'm proud of myself. There is that tiny feeling of emptiness though, but I know that's just b/c I'm still not used to auditioning. I used to love auditioning, but I also used to do it alllllllll the time.
So...yep! That's my journey thus far! Love all you girls and can't wait to hear from Bri!
Jessica: Fast Food vs REAL Food....
Goal #70: Don't drink soda for the entire 1001 days
At first, I imagined these two goals would be easy to accomplish, one more so than the other...but when it got down to it, it sounded amazing to give in to a fatty, Carls Jr. meal and a large soda.
Probably because I know I cannot have these things at all. And when I used to have these on a weekly basis (soda on a daily basis, several times a day...) it became really hard to give up. Mostly because I am suffering from caffeine-withdrawal headaches.
Well today for lunch, I knew I couldn't have a satisfyingly quick meal from a fast food joint accompanied by an ice cold soda. I really wanted a Bacon Swiss Crispy Sandwich from Carls Jr and a Dr. Pepper. Instead, I went to Clark's and got a real chicken sandwich and an ice-cold ice tea.
It was worth the wait for my fresh food and healthy beverage, and I know afterwards I won't feel like I'm about to die.
Mmmm, yummy.
Ashley: Weight Loss Plan
I'm not going to get all Fat Girl Pride on you, because let's face it, being "fat" is not healthy. I don't mean chunky, or curvy, or a little pudgy, or normal, I mean that I weight twice what is recommended for my body type and height. That's not good. I don't like that. So I'm going to change that.
It's not about looking good for other people, or trying to fit in, or feeling peer/media pressure (which is a load of bull crap. You don't do anything unless you want to.). it's about me being healthy. It's about wanting to wear vintage dresses. It's about me being tired of being fat and changing that. And that's that.
My plan is fairly simple; move more, eat less. Of course this also means a change in my diet, but I'm taking it slow. I tend to rush into things and then get burned out and frustrated, and give up. So I'm starting with walking every night, which will hopefully work into running every night (I can make it halfway around the block running before I feel like dying now!). I'm also making sure that I eat a really high protein breakfast. Beyond that I'm making sure I have (at least) two glasses of water with every meal. I'm having smaller portion sizes at meals as well. In the Fall of 2008 I dropped 65 pounds just by walking each night and eliminating sugar and second helpings, so this time I'm trying to build on that idea. I do want to eliminate sugar this time as well, but I'm slowly weeding that out.
In closing, I'm excited to begin this routine (and determined to keep it up! I hate routines) and get myself in shape! So here I am at my current weight and size (a horrible photo, but it was taken yesterday, so it's accurate). I'm going to try and do a monthly post about my progress so far. Wish me luck!