Thursday, January 7, 2010

Jessica: Deaf Coffee Night!

I am so excited and even more nervous about this new update on my list:

#50. Start a monthly "Deaf Coffee Night" at a coffee shop

It is currently in progess, but hopefully by January 22, we will have our first meeting!

I have already created a facebook group for it and printed out tons of fliers to pass around campus and at the coffee shop itself (Jazz-n-Java). Sarah has been so cool and told her own friends about it, and my Deaf neighbor, Kerry, is going to pass it around at her work (CSDR).

I'm really nervous because I will have to use sign language outside of the home and classroom! It wouldn't be a brand new thing because I have done it before, but it's something I am not very experienced in.

I'll keep everyone updated. Can't wait to see what happens!

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