Welcome to Our Day Zero!
This is the collective project of five best friends who might as well be sisters. We've all joined together in joining the Day Zero Project. We've each made a list of 101 things we want to accomplish over the next 1001 days.
Who are we?
We are Sarah, a 23 year old Deaf Studies major currently attending California State University Northridge. She likes pickles, Jazz music, and art. She hates cheesecake crust, chewing with your mouth open, and valley girls.
We are Jessica, a 20 year old student working towards getting her sigh language interpreting certificate. She likes surfing, eating sushi, and playing and listening to music. She hates sauerkraut, Bro's, and the sound of people scratching their jeans.
We are Charissa, a 19 nearly 20 year old Musical Theatre major at the University of California Los Angeles. She like performing, fruit, and Meryl Streep. She hates, cold weather, math, and Christina Aguilera.
We are Bri, a 20 year old, newlywed studying Art History at the University of California Riverside. She likes fashion, crafting, and surfing.
She hates chocolate, croc shoes, and Bro's.
We are Ashley, a 22 year old musician who dropped out of school and is about to move out of state to pursue music. She likes rain, things that sparkle, and vintage dresses. She hates hot weather, California, and pickles.
We're each different, each unique. We like some of the same things, and we like our own things. We're excited to begin the journey and to chronicle it here.
We're doing this for our benefit. We're doing this to stay connected. We're doing this to help us be the people we want to be. It's for fun, but it's also for us. If you have something mean or dumb to say, keep it to yourself.
Each of our personal blogs and lists are linked on the side bar if you care to take a gander.
We hope everyone who passes through here enjoys our stories, and challenges!
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